Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Notice of Caucus Elections

Hello Everyone,

We will be holding a special caucus meeting on Friday June 12th 3:30-4:30pm to conduct elections for the treasurer position.

In accordance with our new election guidelines (as voted on at the last caucus meeting), before we can have elections, we must allow for a one week nomination period followed by one week of campaigning (should the nominee(s) chose to do so). 

We already have one nomination for the treasurer position: Dhani Kalidasan.

The nomination period will be open for one week, starting today and ending on Wednesday of next week (June 3rd). If anyone wishes to add a nomination, they must do so before then. This will be followed by the one week campaigning period and then the caucus meeting/election on June 12th.

Thank you,

Isabelle Raymond
BISC Caucus Chair